Larry, SOHO Owner
Meet Larry, 40-year-old father of two. Larry was president of a privately owned import/export company before joining OneSuite as our head of general affairs. Larry embraces new technology and new ideas, and absolutely admires entrepreneurship. If you want to talk business, Larry is your guy.
Portable Business for Company Size of 1-3
How Can OneSuite Call Forwarding Assist Business Growth? Series I Businesses are always trying to find new ways to increase their business opportunities and increase bottom line. I think OneSuite Forwarding is just one of those great services that can assist you to achieve just that. So I’ve decided to start sharing my ideas through this blog series.
International Roaming Horror on iPhone™
LOL! Gotta applaud the video creator’s sense of humor, but I also empathize for his international roaming horror. I’m sure that’s not the first horror story you’ve heard about international roaming bills either!
Cut Your Toll-Free Service Expenses
How Can OneSuite Call Forwarding Assist Your Business Growth? Series II
Toll-Free customer service is a double-edged sword. You want to provide it to your customers so they won’t hesitate to contact you, generating more business opportunities and offering better service. On the other hand, the more your customers call you, the higher your operating expense becomes. Got a solution?
Wake Up and Smell the Coffee!
One way of perking up your work day is having a good cup of coffee. Our office used to order large canisters of coffee grounds from office supply stores, and the receptionist would make a fresh pot of coffee everyday. But it seemed like no one appreciated it and still strolled down the street to Starbucks™ and spent $3.00 for their daily doses. Most of the time, they’d ask a couple of co-workers to go along. By the time they got back it’s at least 20 minutes later, some may come back with various snacks from Famima!!™, some may come back with a new pair of shoes or a new gossip topic. It became more than an issue with coffee taste but productivity issue with management.
SuiteAdvantage and IP Phone Configuration - Snom 820
Not sure if most of your are aware of the fact that OneSuite's VoIP Service, SuiteAdvantage, not only support softphones or ATAs , as mentioned in one of Michael's article, but can also be used with most any IP phones. Recently, we had a customer requesting our help in configuring OneSuite VoIP service, SuiteAdvantage, on his newly purchased Snom 820 IP phone. So we are sharing the configuration setting screen shots below. Some default settings on the phone that require modifications are outlined in red. Hope this will also help all other IP phone users in configuring OneSuite SuiteAdvantage service on their VoIP phones.