Steve, Constant Traveler
Meet Steve, a 42-year-old expat from Singapore. Steve is a business consultant based in Chicago, and spends a lot of time on the road meeting with clients. A loyal OneSuite user, Steve is here to share with you his personal experience with using OneSuite products on the go.
4 Ways to Check OneSuite Free VoIP Voicemails
If you are like most people in the business world, then every day we race time to finish all the work and get our tasks done. One way of getting more time on our side is to properly manage it and take advantage of modern-day technology like Voicemail. I know I have. When I’m traveling away from home base, OneSuite’s SuiteAdvantage picks up all my messages.
Fax Broadcasting Saves the Day
Fax broadcasting over the Internet is a great feature. Just ask my assistant. I remember she shaking her head over the task of faxing a short manual to a group of contacts when I handed it over just a minute before lunch break was due. She’s now thankful that group faxing is available in OneSuite Fax service, because not only does it save her the hassles of dealing with fax machines, but she can now send faxes to all the business contacts all over the world, just within a few clicks.
Use Voicemails to Your Sweet Advantage
Your voicemails can do wonders for you. If used effectively, a voicemail can be the surest and quickest way to make a good impression in various circumstances. However, not everyone can master the voicemail etiquette and take full advantage of the extended features. Here are a few tips on such things as greetings, responding to voicemails and sending/broadcasting your own voice messages using OneSuite’s VoIP service, SuiteAdvantage.
Alternative to Mobile Roaming Overseas
A recent study shows that email users are now making fewer long-distance phone calls since they’ve gone online. But for travelers like me, calling home is a must whenever I’m on a trip. Yes email comes in handy but there’s nothing like hearing my wife’s voice when I’m jetlagged and wide awake 3AM in the morning.