30 Jun 2009

Making VoIP Calls with Home Phone - ATA Configuration

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ata5For people who want to enjoy the benefits and low rates of VoIP calls, but are still attached to traditional phone sets, analog telephone adaptor (ATA) might be the answer for you. Imagine the convenience of making cheap VoIP calls anywhere without a computer, just by plugging the ATA in your router and phone set.

An ATA is usually shaped like a small box and normally has two sets of outlets: one for your VoIP service or LAN and another one for your regular house phone. The main job of ATA is to bridge the analog phone system and the digital network or VoIP service.

The advantages of using an ATA are as follows:

1.    You don’t need a computer to use VoIP service.

2.    You are able to use VoIP service when you travel by bringing your ATA device. Just plug it in any DSL modem or router and off you go.

3.    It’s cheaper than buying an IP phone and easier to configure at the same time.

In the following, I’ll show you how to install an ATA so you can make calls from your house phone at OneSuite VoIP rates. To use OneSuite VoIP service, you need to have a OneSuite account, which gives you OneSuite Broadband Access after you download the free SoftPhone. Or, you can sign up for SuiteAdvantage at $2.95 a month, to also get a phone number plus other features like free voicemail, free incoming calls, message broadcasting, free member calls, caller ID, call block, etc.

I’m using Grandstream HandyTone 286 ATA™ as an example. It’s an entry-level device that is both affordable, popular and has good user reviews.


First, I connect the Ethernet cable from my router to the RJ45 port of the ATA, then my house phone line on the RJ11 port before plugging the device in the wall outlet. Fast forward to configuration settings. I find this ATA really easy to set up on my OneSuite SuiteAdvantage:


This is the Basic Settings page. If you need a fixed setting then choose the “statically configured as” and enter the following:

IP Address – It’s the IP address of the ATA. To know the IP you need to dial *** and then 02 to hear the current IP address.

Subnet Mask – It’s always

Default Router – By default, D-link router IP address is (which is what I’m using) as opposed to Linksys router default IP of Check the documentation of your router to find the default IP.

DNS server 1: DNS server address can be found on the status screen of your router or you can always check with your ISP (Internet Service Provider). DNS server 2: Same as DNS server 1.

Time Zone: Change it to your current time zone. Otherwise, choosing “dynamically assigned via DHCP” will work for most people.


Then proceed to the Advance Settings page:

SIP server: voip.onesuite.com

Outbound Proxy: voip.onesuite.com

SIP user ID: onesuite username-voip.onesuite.com

Authenticate ID: onesuite username-voip.onesuite.com

Authenticate Password: onesuite softphone password Some advance settings highlights:

Preferred Vocoder (Codec): OneSuite supports G711.u, also known as PCMU, so PCMU should be on Choice 1.

User ID is phone number: No. OneSuite doesn’t use SuiteAdvantage number as a username.

SIP Registration: Yes.

Unregister on reboot: Yes. Sometimes the changes won’t take effect if the ATA doesn’t unregister first before rebooting.

Send DTMF: via RTP (RFC2833)

DTMF Payload Type: 101 Click on update then reboot after entering the details.


After the reboot, check the status to see if you are registered with OneSuite. If not, then review the details above and make sure everything is configured accordingly. If registered, you are now ready to make OneSuite VoIP calls with ATA. To call a US number, just dial the area code, destination number then press #. For international calls, dial 011, followed by the country code, area code then phone number.


  • Comment Link Michael, Tech Guy Wednesday, 16 March 2011 10:22 posted by Michael, Tech Guy

    @ htitan

    Hi htitan,

    Please make sure that no other softphone (from your computer)is currently registered at Onesuite when you are using your ATA device.

    You can not use an ATA device normally while a softphone is registered at the same time with the same account.

    In that case, you'll need to terminate the softphone then reboot your ATA.

    Please update us.



  • Comment Link htitan Monday, 07 March 2011 09:00 posted by htitan

    I have been successfully using a Grandstream HT286 for several months. Last week I lost registration--the red light blinked at 4 secs and I had no dialtone. After a complaint to customer service it came back online. Now I can place calls perfectly well, but cannot receive any. It always goes to voicemail.

    Customer support suggested that it may take longer than 25 seconds to connect, so I should disable voicemail. I did that, and it still never rings (and now I can't even get messages). Occasionally a call will get through once immediately after a reboot of the ATA.

    Customer service has been less than helpful. They suggested I read this blog to see how to set it up.

  • Comment Link Michael, tech guy Thursday, 27 January 2011 08:42 posted by Michael, tech guy


    Your Grandstream is probably still locked to other providers. Unless unlocked or you bought it separately, then you can not use your device with other VoIP providers including Onesuite.

  • Comment Link Roger Thursday, 20 January 2011 03:53 posted by Roger

    I've configured the basic settings page of my Grandstream Handytone 286. This page configures just fine. However, when I click on the advanced settings tab, I get a 403 error. It says The website declined to show this webpage. HTTP 403 Most likely causes:
    •This website requires you to log in.
    I've logged in and relogged in but can't get in. What am I doing wrong?

  • Comment Link Wayne Friday, 07 January 2011 05:48 posted by Wayne

    @Michael, tech guy
    Hi Michael,

    After much hasseling around again on my Grandstream/Onsuite connection problem I stumbled onto the problem which I easily solved.
    At sometime just after I lost dialtone and Onesuite service awhile back in time and then restored it with an account recharge I may have attempted to update and reboot my Grandstream unit and I believe there is where the real problem occurred.

    At any rate, to get it going now I needed to update and reboot the Grandstream unit from my browser by reentering in the Grandstream field, "Authenticate Password:", my VoIP/Softphone Password and then doing the update and reboot.

    Apparently from what I can tell is that the unit before an update and/or reboot needs to have that blank field as acquired from the unit and presented in the computer browser, "Authenticate Password:", reentered with the VoIP/Softphone Password to insure the unit functions properly. Otherwise... no dialtone or SIP registration with the Onesuite server. This may be the case for any account that goes into the red even though it is recharged although it could be specific to my case where I think that I tried to update/reboot the unit after my account went into the red. I'm not testing it out any further now that I have it working.

  • Comment Link Michael, tech guy Wednesday, 05 January 2011 07:19 posted by Michael, tech guy

    Hi Wayne,
    The only reason an account wouldn't register successfully is because the
    user name and password is incorrect, or phone is misconfigured. Can you please check if you had accidentally changed your VoIP password in your account?


  • Comment Link Wayne Tuesday, 04 January 2011 09:33 posted by Wayne


    Onesuite referred me to this blog regarding a technical problem with my VOIP adapter phone connection. I have an ATA Grandstream HT286 configured per Onesuite blog screenshots and commentary. For 3 months until Dec 1st it worked fine. On Dec 1st my account went negative when the $2.95 monthy payment for SuiteAdvantage came due. I recharged the account but any attempt after Dec 1st to place a call fails. I have no dialtone and all configuration settings are the same as originally entered 3 months prior and I can see the configuration and change it if necessary via the computer communicating with it via the ethernet and modem/router connections. All hardware connections, phone connections and the unit appear to working fine. The unit returns one error saying that it cannot register with the SIP server which is Onesuite. The way I see it Onesuite blocked me from making VOIP calls when my account went into the red and the situation remains the same so what can be done about this? HELP!

  • Comment Link Michael, tech guy Monday, 20 December 2010 23:33 posted by Michael, tech guy


    I'm glad you found out the problem with your ATA. Regarding the "no ringing" tone on caller's end, technical department said they already fixed the issue. Please check.



  • Comment Link Michael, tech guy Wednesday, 15 December 2010 04:07 posted by Michael, tech guy

    Hi Paul,

    In most cases you are able to transfer your current phone number to our services. To start the transfer process, go to “Transfer My Phone Number” under SuiteAdvantage Features in My Account, fill out the Letter Of Authorization and submit it.

    Please note: The name on the LOA must match the name on your phone bill.

  • Comment Link Paul Samas Wednesday, 15 December 2010 00:09 posted by Paul Samas


    I have a third party Voip phone number. If I setup my ATA to make outgoing phone calls via Onesuite, is it possible to get my phone to ring with my 3rd party Voip phone number through onesuite, so that I could use the ATA for making outgoing and incoming calls?

    If so, how do I do that?

  • Comment Link Liz Saturday, 11 December 2010 07:22 posted by Liz

    @Michael, tech guy
    I figured out the issue. In the new version of the software there's an option that allows you to set your local area code. Well, if you try to do that, the phone does not work. Now it works great, but I'm having the same issue as "loveonesuite", whenever someone calls, they can not hear the ringing signal.

  • Comment Link Michael, tech guy Sunday, 28 November 2010 21:18 posted by Michael, tech guy


    I took out my old Grandstream ATA and tested it a few times. I'm sorry but I can not seem to duplicate the issue you are having. Did you follow everything from the screen shot?

    If you can email me a screenshot of your settings then please send it to my yahoo email at michael.ray79(at)yahoo.com just don't forget to change the (at) to @

  • Comment Link Sunparq@gmail.com Wednesday, 24 November 2010 11:38 posted by [email protected]

    i kinna agree with Brunn, that will be great Michael if you can post some instructions on how to config the Linksys ATA adapter with onesuite voIP.
    -Thank you-

  • Comment Link Michael, tech guy Tuesday, 23 November 2010 17:36 posted by Michael, tech guy


    I replied on your PAP2 inquiry here http://blog.onesuite.com/?p=599

    Please check, thanks.


  • Comment Link Liz Tuesday, 23 November 2010 02:11 posted by Liz

    Hi Michael.
    I followed your instructions and was able to set up the Grandstream (in the status page it says that it's registered), but when I try to make a call it says: "that feature is not available on this line". I can make calls from my computer using the softphone with no problems.
    Please help!

  • Comment Link Brunn Sunday, 21 November 2010 07:33 posted by Brunn

    Hello Michael,
    There is not specific on configuring the ATA linksys PAP2 from oneSuite.
    This phone adapter is the most sold and used in the US for VoIp.
    That is a growing market that firm like Vonage capitalize on.

    please help.
    = Thank you =

  • Comment Link Brunn Sunday, 21 November 2010 07:27 posted by Brunn

    Hello Palma,
    How did you set up your PAP2 device? There is not specific on it from oneSuite.
    = Thank you =

  • Comment Link Michael, tech guy Tuesday, 07 September 2010 21:59 posted by Michael, tech guy


    Did you copy all the settings at the screenshots above? I picked up my HT-286 with settings exactly as what was posted above (on screenshots) and made some test calls. I can hear ringing signal on all test calls. Please double check your settings and make sure it is the same with the screenshots above.


    Onesuite does have a voice mail feature but I think it is not compatible with HT-286 message waiting indicator feature.



  • Comment Link loveonesuite Tuesday, 07 September 2010 09:01 posted by loveonesuite

    I have to clearify.

    When someone call me, the CALLER cannot hear “the ringing.” When I call using OneSuite and Grandstream, I can hear "ringing"

    sorry for the confusion

  • Comment Link loveonesuite Tuesday, 07 September 2010 01:59 posted by loveonesuite

    I bought HT-286 for cheap and successfully set it up. The call quality is really good and I'm very happy.
    But, I'm having a problem. The caller cannot hear "the ringing" to indicate it is ringing at the call receiver's side. where to set it up?

    thank you

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