Ming, Gossip Girl
Ming was an intern in OneSuite’s customer support department, and became a full-time marketing assistant after she finished college. Ming is also a new transplant from Shanghai, China, and loves to travel and make friends from different backgrounds.
We now sell plungers at 1SweetStore.com
In case you haven’t heard, we just opened a weekly deal store, up to 90% discount on novelty items, wireless accessories, fashion accessories, and everyday gifts. Check out our store-opening spotlight item: Plunger Sucker Handheld Device
Also, find out about your special rebate at 1Sweet Store!
OneSuite Video: OneSuite does that, that AND that?
I didn’t know that!
But it’s true, OneSuite doesn’t just give you great cheap international calling, we offer so much more as well.
And that’s why we’re here to give you a lightening fast 90 sec run down of what other telecom services we offer. Here’s the video! (Feel free to share our amazing pricing with your friends!)
Free Apps to Perk Up Mom’s Social Circle
I decided to use OneSuite’s mother’s day signup bonus to get my mom an account, and also downloaded the OneSuite Mobile Dialer app as an early mother’s day present (she’s in Hong Kong, but me and most of her friends are all abroad, so she takes advantage of OneSuite’s low international access rates for HK), and that’s cut down international dialing to just one touch for her.
So I thought, what are some other great apps that can make my mom’s life easier? I looked around and found these free apps that you can “gift” to your mom, or that lovable grandma or auntie, or just a special someone. Here are the 5 apps I recommend (and feel free to share your favs):
Before You Press That Call Button…
I like to chat, but don’t like to pay a lot for it. Sometimes I think that’s what brought me to OneSuite in the first place. Before joining the marketing department, I was a customer support representative, and talking non-stop.
And boy, have I got stories to tell! For instance, one customer complained about her poor call quality, and after a long round of troubleshooting, out of the blue she gasped “It’s my dog!”
How to Dial 4 Keys to Make International Calls
The Marketing Department recently made a datamine request to evaluate our user behaviors and product features. There are some pretty interesting and surprising findings. The most shocking fact to me, is that we find out a great deal of OneSuite customers are still dialing some 20 to 30 numbers to make one international call!